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Acquisition of Royal HaskoningDHV’s China Operation

In order to continue to provide high value engineering, procurement and construction management services in China, Century 3 announced the acquisition of famous Dutch project management and engineering consultancy company - Royal HaskoningDHV’s China operation in Industry & Logistic Business Line (hereinafter as RHDHV). The acquisition will provide our clients with a value-added project delivery model that exploits both firms’ strengths through a combination of Century 3’s local engineering and construction resources and RHDHV’s pool of global experts. About 25 staff from RHDHV, together with their projects will be transferred to Century 3 China starting from October 1, 2014.

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2014 Beijing-Berlin Urban Sustainable Development Conference

Mit einer Wirtschaftsdelegation weilte der Regierende Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit zum 20jährigen Jubiläum der Städtepartnerschaft in der chinesischen Hauptstadt Peking und in der süd-chinesischen Metropole Kanton. Gemeinsam mit Bezirksbürgermeister ZHANG Jiaming eröffnet Wo-wereit die Ausstellung “Berlin Gestern und Heute”. Zudem fanden neben politischen Gesprächen ein Workshop zur Elekro-Mobility sowie Wirtschaftskonferenzen in Peking und in Kanton statt.

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Joint Venture Agreement with Dong Feng Design Institute

Century 3 signed a Joint Venture Agreement with Dongfeng Design Institute Co., Ltd. in Wuhan, China. The Joint venture, named DFD-C3, LLC is planned to be established in Greer, South Carolina, USA, and will provide engineering, procurement and construction management, or EPC service to Chinese automotive OEM and automotive suppliers who invest in the US.

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2014 Management Retreat

The annual Century 3 Management Retreat was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province on 12, 13 July, 2014. During the 2-day meeting, Mr. Rong He, the CEO of Century 3 China, reviewed the company’s status quo and envisioned prospect for company’s future development. Other group leaders also discussed topics regarding business plan of each BU, lessons learnt and experience sharing from projects, EHS management and the adoption of Technical and Quality Management, etc.

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Young Talent Recruitment Campaign

Century 3 is launching a series of campus recruitment activities to absorb outstanding graduates in civil engineer, mechanical, electrical, instrument along with other disciplines relevant to the engineering and construction industry to the company’s talent pool. Century 3 is always keen to provide graduates with the chance of working with professionals with years’ of experiences and working for some of world’s most admired clients as they start to take up a career after graduation.

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